If you have a testimony that you would like to share with us, please click below.
"I experienced a beautiful first step toward my healing with my first freedom session. For YEARS I have felt unheard, unseen, and confused. My parent's divorce as a small child deeply affected me and it was starting to affect other areas of my life as an adult. After deciding I was sick of feeling this way, a friend introduced me to this ministry. After my first session, I walked away with the restoration, and healing that can only come from the Holy Spirit. The main thing I realized is Jesus NEVER left me, He was there the whole time! He is always there! I recommend anyone willing to take the first step in their healing to look into a freedom session! This is a solid ministry." – Kim
"I have been involved in deliverance since 1968. I have had two sessions as a client at Freedom Fighters. In each one, I was amazed at the results. The Holy Spirit took me back to age 7 when my father abandoned our family. He was a functioning alcoholic and left for another woman. My mother was totally devastated. With my mother and sister, we moved to Denver and my mother became a full-blown alcoholic and became promiscuous. She did not take care of me and my sister. I did the cooking: mostly heating up tamales. Even though my mother later became a Christian, she was never delivered from the evil spirits controlling her addictions. She ended up being murdered in the motel room in Las Vegas by a man who picked her up while she was drunk. He was never caught. We did inner healing and I was healed of all the old wounds and betrayals. It was truly remarkable the feeling of freedom when the session ended. The healing in the second session was just as remarkable as the first. In summary, I would strongly suggest every believer would benefit from at least two sessions. I have now been involved in roughly 18 sessions and have yet to see any client that has not been incredibly pleased with the results. If you are unhappy with your walk in the spirit, give it a chance." - Harve
"I want to acknowledge the work the Freedom Fighters group, in Olathe, Kansas, has done for me. I have had three sessions with them, and each time the chains I have made agreements with the enemy about, continue to fall off! As God continues to heal and sanctify my heart, I have prayed that he will grant me his wisdom and understanding. I have also told him in my daily prayers, Here Am I Lord, use me! Whatever happens, not my will, but God's will be done! " - Douglas
"Like so many Christians, I strongly thought that “blaming” my problems on the demonic was simply not taking responsibility for my own sin nature. Granted that is a factor, however, I’ve discovered that the demonic is continually active in helping Christians to think that everything attached to our lives is our fault. The solution rests solely on our lack of doing right and being better (that’s putting it grossly simple, but you get the point).
Now, after having sessions as a Freedom Fighter client and allowing Jesus Christ to heal some childhood wounds, the above perspective has vastly changed. I clearly see the advantage the enemy has taken with his access permitted by unforgiveness attached to hidden wounds.
Allowing Jesus to walk one through an event, or continuum of events in one’s life – for me that was early childhood – acknowledging the injustice(s), without whitewashing them was powerful. Jesus gently permits one to see the perpetrator as trapped in sin. He gives heavenly perspective greatly aiding in the compassion necessary to forgive. The facilitator is careful to bring the client to the understanding that forgiving is not brushing the offense aside, but rather freeing the victim from carrying the pain of the event. " - Lois
"I'm now Free to serve God! Whenever my pastor would pray “And Lord, we totally submit ourselves to you; have your way with us,” I could never say "amen" after the prayer because of fear. What if I submit completely to the LORD and He sends me to Africa or makes some horrible thing happen to test me? A couple days after my first Freedom Session, I realized I was not afraid anymore! A whole new world opened up to me after the spirit of fear left and was replaced by trust and confidence in God and His goodness. God is not a Father that orchestrates bad things for His children. He is good ALL the time!" - Tracy
"I came to Freedom Fighters with debilitating anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts as a means to escape the oppression I experienced almost constantly. I had been seeing therapists and counselors for some time. They had told her that the anxiety would always be there, like a clock ticking on the wall, but they would teach me how to cope with it, to make space for it, so it would not be so debilitating. I also had been prescribed anti-anxiety medications to assist with coping.
I did not have much hope of ever being free from the oppression. In my life, Jesus began to heal and use Freedom Sessions to show me that I don't have to make space for the oppression, for the "ticking on the wall." Jesus came to me in an image. He walked over to that clock of anxiety and depression, took it off the wall and threw it into the trash where it shattered. This was life changing for me, as Jesus also restored my hope and my joy. From that moment, this wife and mother has been anti-depressant free and empowered to tell the enemy that the clock has been destroyed! "I saw it, so you have no place here, go, in the name of Jesus!" I am now a discerner on a Freedom Team and training to be a team leader." - J. in Kansas
"I started serving with Freedom Fighters in June of 2021. And to make it official I had my first session in July. In this session the Lord took me to a wound at 23 years old. I got pregnant at 23 and my boyfriend at that time forced me into having an abortion. The Lord took me to the memory the day of the abortion.
That day, after the doctor after the abortion, I was waking up from the anesthesia and I heard the doctor tell my then boyfriend to take me to eat something to recover my strength. And that’s the memory the Lord showed me, we were at this restaurant in Mexico, we were eating and he was breaking up with me.
I had played this memory in my mind so many times trying to forgive this person, I know what the Lord commands us to do, and I thought I had fully forgiven him, but something kept happening to me, I would dream with this person from time to time, and I didn’t like that, and that made me think that maybe I just needed to do something else.
Well, in the session they asked me to think of myself as if I were 23 again and asked me if I was ready to forgive him, and I was shocked about how clear and loud the NO was! My 23-year-old self was far from ready to forgive him, she was angry and wanted him to pay for what he had done! This was a huge eye opener for me!! I had no idea I had a mild form of dissociation! Jesus helped me forgive him. Thankyou Jesus!
After this, the leader asked Jesus to bring me my baby and I was undone!!! I didn’t know that was even possible, but it totally is with Him! And that was the most amazing and healing experience in my life!
I met my baby, He is a boy. I had named him way before this happened, his name is Daniel, Jesus handed him to me and I could see his beautiful face, and his eyes looking at me bonding with me as his mom for
the very first time. I am a mom now, and I know what that is, to bond with your baby, I didn’t have that with Daniel of course.
For the longest time, he was a bad, sad memory, full of guilt, regret and oh the shame, so much shame, the shame consumed me, I felt dirty and that I didn’t deserve forgiveness. Satan made me feel it was all my fault. He set me up and then blamed me for it!!
But at that moment, when I saw Daniel in my arms for the first time, all of that, and I mean all of it, washed away, looking into his eyes, seeing the love for me in his eyes, him cuddling with me and I held him as long as I could, bonding with him, feeling that motherly love for him, he wasn’t a sad memory anymore! He was my baby and I was holding him tight, close to me. Oh, how I cried and the whole team cried with me, it was a glorious moment that only Jesus can do, only Him! Jesus assured me that He had forgiven me the very first time I had asked Him years ago. Daniel forgave me.
Jesus then helped me to forgive all the people involved in that event, including my boyfriend’s father who did not think I was good enough for his son. I forgave myself for the first time. The work the Lord did that day was so deep that it brought a new level of intimacy with my Lord! He got all that junk out of me and He filled me up with Himself and I felt it instantly!
The memory of that event has been completely redeemed! Now, when I think of that event, I don’t think of the horror of the abortion, I think of the moment Jesus brought me my baby and how I met him that day, and the 23-year-old was able to hold him, and love him, and bond with him, and I know he is waiting for me in heaven!! Jesus has turned my trauma into my testimony! Thankyou my sweet Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, all the glory,
honor, and praise to You and only to You for what You’ve done for me, I love you!"
- Healed Mommy!
"In my second Freedom Session with, the Lord continued His work in me that He had started a couple of years before. Around 2 years before, in another session with another deliverance ministry, the Lord showed deep generational issues that came through my ancestors. The Lord showed that one of my ancestors had promised, through a ritual, all future generations to the Queen of Heaven. They prayed for me and I thought I was done with that demonic power. In my second Freedom Session they did the conception process and through that the discerners kept getting generational stuff, so the leader asked me if I had been baptized as a baby through the Catholic church, and I said yes, so they led me through the prayer to renounce Catholicism.
When I started to pray the prayer, all hell broke loose!!! I could feel it, the team could feel it, and they also heard them screaming when I renounced dedications to anyone but Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit!!!
We went through the whole prayer and then they started checking to see if all of the demons were locked up in the prison cell. We all knew not all of them had gone.
One by one the leader asked why they were still active and they had to tell me. Then I either forgave or renounced as we did the long process and at the very end of all of those demons the last one that refused to go was the Queen of Heaven! She was the strong man and she was not happy she was losing her grip on my life. I remember the team saying that she gave them the “finger” because she was so mad.
This session made a huge impact on my life, it broke so much spiritual baggage on my life. This session was vital to break another huge generational curse in my life that I didn’t even know I had.
It was a huge eye-opening experience, because I became a Christian when I was 4 years old, so I really didn’t even choose to participate with the Catholic church. My parents professed being Catholic but they never went to mass or church or anything. They never took any of us to do what Catholics do, so it took me by surprise to know how deep the influence of this demonic entity was in my life because of the covenant that was made before I was even born. I was amazed when I learned that this curse was activated when I was baptized as a baby. My parents confirmed the promise that was made generations ago by doing that.
It took me weeks to digest everything the Lord did in this session, and one of the things the Lord showed me was that the goal of this curse was to keep me passive as a Christian. Satan was happy with that, he didn’t need me to not be a Christian, he was happy to know that I wasn’t using the full potential that God had given me, I was passive in the Kingdom of God and he was very happy with that."
- Dedicated to only Jesus in Olathe
When I had my third Freedom Session the Lord had been speaking to me before I got there about what He wanted to heal in my life. When we started, Jesus took me right to it and it was about my dad. He was an alcoholic for a long time. He did stop drinking eventually, but he did a lot of damage in our family during all the years that he did drink.
I had this recurrent dream. I dreamed about this old house where I spent a few years of my childhood. I would dream about it often. In the dream sometimes I was a kid, and sometimes I was an adult. But I would dream in detail about this house. When we asked the Lord, what was going on the memory He showed was when I was around 8 years old, I was in this particular house and I saw my dad drunk.
When the leader asked me if I was willing to forgive, my 8 year-old self was not ready, she was actually very angry, but she wasn’t angry at my dad, she was angry at my adult self. That was a huge surprise for me!! She was very angry that I left her stuck there with “him” and all those feelings of confusion, neglect, insecurity, chaos, uncertainty and anger for so many years.
I had dissociation I was not even aware of! It was very clear to me that the 8-year-old was separated from the core. It really took me by surprise! Her suffering, being stuck there with a drunk, very angry father, was so real!! I felt it and it hurt so much.
So, I asked her to forgive me for leaving her behind with all the pain. I could not get over the deep, deep pain that I was feeling at that age. I had no idea how much my dad’s drinking had negatively impacted my life. It seemed so normal growing up, if he didn’t come home after work, we just knew he was going to get home in the middle of the night drunk, and
belligerent. I thought it wasn’t a big deal because it had become expected and “normal”. I didn’t like it for sure but I thought it wasn’t a big deal.
I was so wrong about that. It was a big deal, and that 8-year-old inner child showed me how big of a deal it was. Thank Jesus, He helped me to forgive myself, and my father and everybody else. I left that session feeling different, something huge had happened in my life and in my spirit, I just knew!!
I had no idea how big of a hindrance that wound was for me and my spiritual walk with the Lord. It also took some time to process all the things the Lord did in this session. I felt I had taken a huge jump into spiritual maturity and one of the things that I noticed was that I no longer struggled with having my devotional!!
Before the session it felt to me that I had to force myself to read the Bible or to pray. I did it, but it was a huge struggle! I sincerely loved the Bible and spending time with the Lord but wow it was a real battle every time I did it. It felt that I had to drag myself to it. And for the longest time I thought that this happened to everybody. That all believers had to force themselves to read the Bible and to pray. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal!
After the session that was gone!!! And it didn’t come back!!! It feels so good to sit down to read the Bible and to not want to put it down, I want to keep reading it for hours! When I pass next to my Bible, I feel a deep love and desire to just sit down and read it! That never happened before! It has been life changing for me, I simply love it!!! I have now trained as a Freedom Fighter and Team Leader and get to see Jesus do these same wonderful things for others!" - Anonymous
"For an entire year and 5 months, I had been suffering with a sinus infection and all the symptoms that come with it. I had to have sinus surgery in October because the infection was so bad. Never did it cross my mind that this was ALL spiritual attack/warfare/demonic, because I had dental implants placed and thought my problem were a secondary infection due to surgery. It happens. I even broke my dental implants because I had started grinding my teeth in my sleep and because of that, had headaches upon waking in the mornings. How many times I went to the doctors and took antibiotics for an entire year, God knows. The money I had to spend on doctor visits and medications..... During this past Christmas, the Lord reminded me of something I had totally forgotten. I tried to commit suicide at 14 years old. And for some reason, couldn't remember the reason why I would try to do such a terrible thing. In asking Holy Spirit, the reason was not revealed at that time. I also asked how did I try to do it? He showed me "Tylenol....14 tablets." I swallowed 14 tablets.... This is something I have never revealed to anyone until March 3, 2022 (except Mike and Pam when I showed up at their house a nervous wreck). My Mom went to her grave not knowing this secret. In my session, Holy Spirit bought back to my remembrance that in 8th grade, I had a teacher that called me "Kizzy." She was one of the characters in the television miniseries "Alex Haleys' Roots." Kizzy means "to stay put or you sit down." It was the name of an enslaved woman on a TV program and the name of Alex Haley's ancestor, I assumed. I was laughed at and mocked by the other students in the classroom. There were some pretty vulgar words that spewed from my mouth toward that teacher. And anger, hatred, bitterness....just to name a few....that was in my heart because of this wound. Holy Spirit revealed "the name calling" started at 6
years old, playing with a group of girls. He also revealed different times throughout my life that people said things and "labeled me other than Michelle." There were references "to my hair, my weight, my clothes." As an adult, I had NO CLUE that this was affecting me NOW. BUT GOD! NOW I HAVE NO STUFFY NOSE! NO SINUS DRAINAGE! NO COUGH! NO SINUS PRESSURE! NO GRINDING MY TEETH! NO WAKING UP WITH HEADACHE! THIS RINGING IN MY LEFT EAR IS SO LOW I CAN STILL HEAR IT, BUT BARELY! NO SNEEZING! NO SOAR NOSE FROM ALL THE WIPING! NO SORE THROAT FROM ALL THE COUGHING! BEFORE I HAD MY SESSION, I WAS HOLDING ON TO MEDICATIONS "JUST IN CASE."..........THROWN IN THE TRASH! OUR GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!"
- Michelle
I thought I was done with this issue! My Dad walked out on his wife and 3 children when I was around 5, right before starting first grade. The next time I actually saw his face, I had graduated high school. And between all that time, no phone calls, birthdays came and went and nothing from him. In my 40's, he and I had a conversation about him leaving. He basically informed me he left because he wanted to. At least, that's how what he said sounded. On April 24th I had an inner healing session. Holy Spirit led me right to the time/day my Dad walked out on us. I never had heard "He left us and never looked back" before, BUT.....God knew that's how I was feeling...rejected, abandoned and left alone....by my Dad. What great deliverance, healing and liberty I received! I was able to forgive my Dad for so many things that I had no idea I was holding against him. The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is so good!!! My Dad went home to be with the LORD on the very next day, April 25th, totally forgiven. I asked his siblings if he was a believer, had he been baptized or did he go to church. All they could tell me was "I don't know." BUT, thanks be to GOD He had me to pray for his salvation while he was in the hospital, and I believe and know with all my heart, Abba Father hears and answers our every prayer. So, I will see him when I get home.
- Forever Thankful
God is healing me day by day. Twenty years ago I finally told God that I would quit smoking but I couldn't do it by myself. I needed His help as I was totally dependent or addicted to the nicotine. I told everyone that I would see that on Sept. 7th, 2000 I would quit smoking at least for the week-end. I needed to be held accountable to as many people as possible. I had about 3 months before I was to quit. Why did I quit? Everyday when I was studying His Word if I read long enough a scripture would say something like, "Those who love me will obey me". It sounds silly now but I remember thinking quitting would make me sweat drops of blood. Immediately the Holy Spirit said; "Jesus already did this for you". When I came to Jesus He accepted me as I was. I didn't have to do anything for His Salvation is a free gift so "no one can boast". Seven years before the Holy Spirit said it was time to give these things up. I told him not to ask me for I didn't want to yet. God's word also says "you will reap what you sow". I wound up with 5 % lung damage and don't even need oxygen. About 2 wks ago my doctor had me take a chest X-ray for a cough I had. The lady who gave me the pulmonary test I told her as we were walking to the room, "God had healed me 20yrs. ago and He wasn't a God who did things half-way." My test showed all good numbers. During the 1st 3 months of quitting God showed me he was healing my lungs. I shared this with a few people and not all of them believed me. The proof came when I had the pulmonary test. Again God is healing me from all my diseases not because of me but so He can get all the glory. It is His choice to bless us. I'm not someone special that God is healing me, He wants to do it for us all. I truly didn't understand the scripture of Isa 53:5 .......,and by His stripes we are healed. Today I know as Paul said; in Phil 1:21 for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. My life is His. He showed us how to live and we now live in Him and He lives in us the way they the Godhead lives in each other. - Quit Smoking in Kansas
8 months ago I Surrender my life to Christ. I was in jail and on my knees. I said God I do not know how to respect others. I do not respect myself. I do not know how to love. I do not love myself and I said God here's my heart. Here is my mind. Here is my desires. I'm handing them all over to you and I trust you and God lifted me. I begin to see differently, hear differently, talk to me, think differently and my desires even became different than those of my past. I am a new woman. I Have Become a daughter of Christ versus a life of drugs and alcohol. I feel freedom that I've never felt before. With the power of His Holy Spirit my tests are now testimonies. My obstacles are now opportunities to grow in the Spirit within Me. I will never have to be those shattered trillion million pieces! I am a woman who loves life. Now lessons will strengthen me as my life is led by Jesus Christ, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This time I ran to instead of from to the precious Arms of Jesus Christ. - Living a New Life
I grew up in an orphanage at age 3. Needless to say some traumas are built into this abnormal situations. I came to Freedom Fighters in Olathe after a friend suggested I could benefit from hearing the Holy Spirit tell me about my past hurts and how to identify why I had so much anger no, RAGE inside me. I came to the 1st session not expecting anything and even not knowing what I would be talking about. Five or so years before Freedom Sessions I was involved in another healing ministry and the furthest place I could go was to the Day I went to the orphanage. That's were I started again in my inner healing with Freedom Fighters. The Holy Spirit showed me the truth of the lie the enemy told me then; which was I have to protect myself since no one else will and I wasn't alone but Christ was there with me although I couldn't see Him I felt his presence. My second session I was disappointed that I couldn't see Jesus and one of the Discerners said: "Jesus is holding her so close into his chest she can't see Him. So #1. Trauma can be caused not only by a beating or worse, but also by not receiving what you should have or not being heard. #2 Jesus really is Omnipresent, everywhere at once and He is "Ours real help in times of sorrow. - Protected and Loved
I have been a Christian since I was 9 years old. I am almost 60 now. I have been involved in healing ministries and served in my church and have been very active in Body ministry since I was in my middle 20's. But because of woundings in my childhood, teenage years and early adulthood, I had difficulty relating to and trusting Jesus as anything besides my Savior. I have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is my best friend. I was healed from many woundings from my father, so I have a close relationship with God, the Father. But I knew other believers who had a dynamic relationship with Jesus so I knew there was more. I had a growing conviction that if the Holy Spirit always points to Jesus and scripture says that Jesus is the exact representation of the Father, why was I still unable to connect with Jesus as anything besides my Savior? You always hear that, "It's all about Jesus", but that wasn't true for me. After having a few sessions with Freedom Fighters, the Holy Spirit introduced me to Jesus in a new way. Now there is a trust established with the person, Jesus; the man, Jesus. Jesus really is the Lover of my soul. I highly recommend Freedom Fighters to anyone who is not yet able to relate to all three of the Godhead. I was a survivor. Now I am totally free and am thriving. My spiritual life has went from technicolor to three dimensional! If you have ever wondered if there is more, I encourage you to check out Freedom Fighters and see what truths about Jesus you may have not yet known. There is so much more that He wants us to know about ourselves and about Him. - Thriving in Colorado
1548 East Spruce Street, Olathe, KS 66061 US | (913) 912-3660 | freedomfightersolathe@gmail.com
Copyright © 2019 Freedom Christian Fellowship, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.